Welcome to my journal! I'll make posts here as often as I can. :)

Val's Journal

Date: 11/27/2024

Mood: Neutral

First Entry

I'm off from work today, thankfully. I had my first full 8-hour shift this week on Tuesday and it was soooo tiring for me. I'm glad it's over. I am a little nervous though that I'm going to have to do the same thing all over again on Friday and Saturday. I don't know how I'm going to survive lol. I hate being disabled sometimes.

I had a meeting today to join my city's local tenant organizing group, and I'm really excited about the whole thing. They said that they would be happy to invite me into the group and that I'm invited to come to their next group meeting next week. I haven't been able to be super involved with the mutual aid group that I'm in for several reasons (such as my ex being in the group), so I'm really pumped to get involved in a movement that is really important to me (tenant organizing). I wish that my ex being in the same mutual aid group as me wasn't as daunting as it is but things ended so badly between the two of us that I can't help but feel weird about it.

I interviewed for a job last week that I'm super excited about and I can't wait to hear back if I got the job or not. It's for a peer support role in a local non-profit organziation where I would essentially be meeting with people and giving them support for their mental health and/or substance abuse issues while also helping them secure housing. It also is a pretty significant pay raise at $20/hr and the position is unionized. That sounds amazing to me. I do kind of like the job that I have right now but I only get paid $15 an hour and there is no union so... I could be doing a lot better.
